Thursday, March 18, 2010

Facebook haterade.

When I logged onto facebook today, I noticed a new link posted from a group I joined, called "protect marriage: one man, one woman." Now, when I got the invitation for this group, I was like, "okay, this lines up with my beliefs. Why not, I'll join." When I saw the caption of the link that had been posted, however, my stomach twisted a little and I began to regret joining this particular group. Essentially, the link was a news story about a homosexual immigrant man who tricked a heterosexual woman into marrying him so that he could get a green card. The caption above the link, posted by the creator of the group, read as follows:

"Here's an example of the point of view gay people have of marriage. For them, it's a means to an end. For this gay man, marriage was the means to a green card. For the rest of the homosexuals, since it's all they whine about, marriage is merely the means for them to get government benefits. Can you see how marriage is just a 'tool' for them?"

There were some brave souls who commented and called the leader of this group out, but others agreed wholeheartedly. I don't know how this comes off to all of you, but it came off to me as an attack, judgmental and hateful, and it made me sick. I certainly don't agree with gay marriage, but I also believe that we are all sinners, whether homosexual or heterosexual, and Christ died for sinners. We are called to LOVE them, because Christ loved them enough to die for them, just as He did for us. The bible says that to the measure which we judge others on earth, that is the same measure God will judge us in heaven. I admit, I struggle with this just as much as the next person. But I say that we stop spewing self-righteous hypocrisy and start LOVING others as God calls us to loving EVERYONE.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but tell me, whatever happened to common human decency?

1 comment:

  1. preach it, sister ;)

    Sometimes it is so appalling to see what our own humanity looks like, yes?
